Turmzeit (Tower of Time)

You have stumbled apon Turmzeit! Turmzeit is Tower of Time in German. Now, you may be wondering. What's this nonsense?

The Zeitpyramide (Time Pyramid in English) is a structural project being built in Wemding, Germany. One block has been placed every decade since 1993.

The final pyramid will have 120 blocks in total, and will be finished in the year 3183. But this project of mine isn't a pyramid at all.


Turmzeit is a project I will be working on for as long as I humanly can. One block will be placed in this page every single day.

By this logic, the project will either only be finished once:

The world ends, the internet is destroyed, I die, my website/NeoCities gets shut down, I run out of storage on NeoCities or I miss a day. If I miss a single day the project is over.


Blocks will be placed under this text. One will be placed every day.

Well, the time is here. I have officialy forgotten to place Block 11 on September 8th. Sorry everybody, I failed.